January Newsletter

January newsletter covers the available apartments in Pronssikartano, and how to simplify rent payments.

December Newsletter

December newsletter includes holiday season office hours, recycling tips for Christmas & guidelines for feeding wild animals.

November Newsletter

The November newsletter covers the Residents’ Association Christmas Party, Shopping Trip to Pori and Energy-Saving Tips.

October Newsletter

Pronssikartanon sisäpiha

October newsletter includes information about the installation of smoke alarms, bio-waste, residents’ meeting and Pronssikartano apartments.

August Newsletter

Kaksi naista nauravat keittiössä

In this newsletter, we will tell you about available apartments on Oikotie and give insights on the results of our resident survey.

July Newsletter

View to Pyhäjärvi lake in Kauttua, Eura

Our July newsletter covers a survey on resident satisfaction, residents’ meeting, and updated rules of conduct.